All you have to do is look at recent news reports to understand the city of Chicago is on fire. July may very well turn out to be one of the deadliest months on record for the city. Since Friday, 28 people were shot and at least three were killed.
Chicago has come to be known as President Obama’s adopted hometown, and the White House is beginning to be criticized by some of its most ardent supporters. Last week, Rev. Jesse Jackson told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren the Obama Administration has prioritized the border crisis over the crisis in Chicago.
“Getting support for those children and the humanitarian crisis is the moral and right thing to do. Resources are important,” Jackson said. “But there is also a crisis in Chicago. It's not either, it's both.”
During an interview with WBBM-AM earlier in the week, Jackson was even more critical in his tone.
“If we can find $4 billion for those children, and we should, we can find $2 billion for Chicago,” he said. “There are more children involved, and more have been killed, and more have been shot.”
The people of Chicago are also starting to speak out. During a protest outside the Chicago Police Department on Friday, some residents called for the resignation of Mayor Rahm Emmanuel and Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy. In a video released by Rebel Pundid, it looks as though some were calling for Obama’s resignation as well.
Watch the video via Rebel Pundit below:
“Pretty amazing how fast this man is falling,” Glenn said of Obama.
Glenn also believes this might signal the dawn of a new awakening for the city that has been plagued by poor leadership and violence for decades.
“Can I tell you something? [Chicago] should be our next stop,” Glenn concluded. “We should take care of the kids on the border, then we should go to Chicago. No one is willing to take care of the kids of Chicago. They are crying out for a Tea Party. They don't have a Tea Party… The chickens are coming home to roost.”