Update: Jeff Severt, the father who wrote the anti-Common Core note, joined Glenn on his TV show Tuesday night. Watch the interview below:
Original Story:
TheBlaze has reported on countless instances of strange ‘facts’ creeping into Common Core sanctioned materials and math problems that are to be solved with never-before-seen methodology. One ‘frustrated’ father who was trying to help his son with a Common Core mathematics equation ran into that very issue, and what he did next is making its way around the internet.
Below is the father's alleged response to the Common Core homework:
Image Source: Facebook
As TheBlaze’s Oliver Darcy reported, that photo was posted to a popular conservative Facebook page. While the photo was initially posted anonymously, the father has agreed to speak with Glenn on Tuesday’s Glenn Beck Program about the incident.
“I don't even begin to understand,” Glenn said of the Common Core reasoning. “It's so easy: 7 minus 6 is 1. 2 minus 1 is 1. 4 minus 3 is 1. It is so simple. This is the easiest of all math problems, and they have complicated it to how many steps? [It] takes 10 steps instead of 3.”
While Stu was willing to admit it is important to teach students different processes, this particular process over-complicates one of the simpler and more basic math principles.
“If you're trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, like they are trying to show the process and all this stuff,” Stu said. “But it's just counting. Like 7 minus 6 is 1. Like you learn these basic four or five things to do in math and you get through almost everything.”
Since there is really no logical explanation for much of the reasoning used in Common Core, perhaps the more cynical theory will actually prove to be true. If parents no longer understand how to help their kids with schoolwork, the role of the parent becomes less and less important.
“I think this is to discredit,” Glenn concluded. “Discredit parents and the old ways.”
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