Last night, Glenn appeared on Fox News’ The Kelly File with Megyn Kelly to discuss his fiery open letter to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo following his declaration that “right-to-life,” “pro-assault weapon,” “anti-gay” “extreme conservatives” are not welcome in New York State. Kelly also asked Glenn to reflect on his time at Fox News, and Glenn tackled both topics by focusing on the importance of unity.
Glenn believes Gov. Cuomo is reacting to the far-left principles of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, and he referred to the rhetoric is part of a “hostile takeover of New York.” While Gov. Cuomo has dismissed the controversy surrounding his comments claiming he was talking about politicians only, Glenn questioned what good a political system is that doesn’t have opposing viewpoints.
“If we can’t have politicians that stand up for the constitution, stand up for the point of view that you have a right-to-life as an unborn child – the hatred of gays is a totally separate thing,” Glenn said. “But those two in particular are essential for us to argue about and have debate about.”
People disagree with one another. People hold opposing views. But in order to co-exist with those with whom we disagree, we have to decide if we can look past the divisive issues and find the things that unite us.
“If we can’t live in the same state and work in the same state, what do we have,” Glenn asked. “We have to decide: Can we live with people with different points of view? If we can’t, we’ve seen that road over and over again the 20th century and it doesn’t end well.”
Referring to Glenn during his time on Fox News as a “lightening rod,” Kelly asked him to reflect on his time at the network.
“I remember it as an awful lot of fun and that I made an awful lot of mistakes, and I wish I could go back and be more uniting in my language,” Glenn said poignantly. “I think I played a role, unfortunately, in helping tear the country apart, and it’s not who we are.”
“I didn’t realize how really fragile the people were, I thought we were kind of more in it together,” he added. “Now I look back and I realize if we could have talked about the uniting principles a little bit more instead of the problems, I think I would look back on it a little more fondly. But that’s only my role.”