During his first cabinet meeting of the year, yesterday, President Obama made a bold declaration about his intentions to bypass Congress in the New Year: He’s got a pen, and he’s got a phone, and he is not afraid to use them.
“Most people will hear this and not be called into action. I urge you, if you don't know what the ramifications are of this, to find out,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “What are the ramifications of someone saying something like this:”
“Do you hear what he's saying,” Glenn asked. “He's got a phone, and he'll call the universities. And he will get people called into action. He will call the labor unions. He will call the non-profits into action.”
“And with his pen, he will ignore the U.S. Constitution and just sign things into law he wants in the interest of fairness,” Pat added.
Glenn believes President Obama has spent the last 5 years insisting the Constitution is standing in his way of just going ahead and enacting his progressive agenda. Yesterday’s remarks, however, prove he is getting ready to bulldoze through the Constitution.
“This is insanity… He is setting the false premise that people are begging him to just go around Congress and the Constitution. But that's what he's doing,” Glenn concluded. “He is setting up the premise that he's been resistant [in the past]. He's tried not to do this, but now he's been backed in a corner. This is the beginning of: I'm being backed in a corner. I got a pen, and I got a phone. I'll mobilize people, and I'll just sign these things into law.”
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