With Glenn on vacation for the holidays, TheBlaze’s national security editor Buck Sexton filled in as host of the Glenn Beck Radio Program this morning. We have recently heard politicians and pundits from both sides of the aisle refer to 2013 as the worst year of the Obama presidency, but Buck argued there is more to the story than the President’s approval rating. While 2013 was a bad year for President Obama, it was a worse year for the United States of America.
Obama the worst. I know what you're probably thinking. I'm just referring to the fact that he may be duly considered the worst president in, I don't know, over a hundred years if you're so inclined. And he views, though, this past year as the worst for him because it's really a reflection of the narcissism in this president that when the American people have a bad year, the biggest problem, the biggest issue as he sees it is that he's having a bad year. I don't really care that President Obama's having a bad year. In fact, I don't think the media should care, either, because vast riches and untold accolades await him in public life no matter what happens from hereon out. So just remember that as those of us in the conservative movement, those of us on the conservative side of things keep on pushing and spreading the truth about this administration. President Obama is going to end up, after his time in office, an incredibly rich and powerful and celebrated man.
So it's with that in mind, and I know you say that's probably unfair but it's also true, and I guarantee you it is true. With that in mind, though, I care much more about the fact that America has had a bad year. But it's not enough to think of this as one bad year. It's really just the culmination of a five-year progression towards a progressive agenda. This is the year during which we found ourselves constantly stumped by the lies, constantly left in the lurch because we had been promised so much. And even those of us who knew those promises would come to naught were surprised with the speed and ferocity with which they crashed on the shoals of the free market, on the shoals of the American way of doing business.
It's been a bad five years really. It's just that this year was the first time that the quisling partisans failed to explain it away. It was too much of a gut punch, too difficult for all of us. And so 2013 I think will be the year when we look back and say that the progressive central planning agenda collided with the reality of a free market and a free, though rapidly dwindling, economy. It is a year in which the president lied to us on a number of issues, and I think it's very important to recognize that these weren't lies that are easy for us to pass by and explain away. These were lies that affect us all. These were lies that you could even say in some regards subvert the democratic process, subverted the democratic process.
President Obama told us, as you know, that if you like your plan, you can keep it. President Obama's senior advisors told us that Benghazi was a response to a video, that it wasn't clear who was responsible from the outset. At first they said that the IRS was abusive and weaponized, weaponized for political purposes, probably the most frightening agency of the federal government has now turned on the American people, a subset of the American people. Those who like to use words like "freedom" and "patriot" and "liberty." That's quite a commentary on the federal government out of D.C. that those were the terms that marked you for extra scrutiny, as the bureaucrats said.
President Obama now says that that was not, in fact, anything to be concerned about, it was nothing about which we should be overly worried. In fact, it's really just right-wing hysteria, isn't it? Oh, no, the IRS, yes, yes, the inspector general from within came out and said it was completely unacceptable. And when the news cycle was against this president, he came out and said, "I won't stand for this." He did a fantastic job of false outrage and yet it quickly withered away, and we knew he was as unserious about accountability in the IRS as he was accountability for his own words on Obamacare.
The subversion of the democratic process through the lies of the chief executive, through the lies of the most powerful man in the world, the leader of the free world, whether he chooses to adopt and use that title or not, is something that I think will go down and mark this year as one that we should remember, unfortunately for many of the wrong reasons, or many reasons that are saddening to patriots and those who care about the Constitution and liberty. And yet, despite all of this, despite everything that I have told you as we go into the heart of the Christmas season and into the new year, 2014 is going to be a fight. I promise you that much. Don't think that it is not. 2014 is going to be a knock-down, drag-out between the forces inside America who say "Enough. We are standing athwart the proposed progress of the American left and saying, "You are taking us into a place we do not wish to go." Do you think that they're going to look at the past year, they're going to look at this year that we've just gone through as essentially the end state, the natural progression of the past five years? Of course not. Just bumps along the road. Just a few little issues, a few little things to be pushed aside, tossed away. No worry about your healthcare plan. Hey, plenty of time to get through a pathway to amnesty, plenty of time to use executive fiat to get regulations for the environment through that will cripple business, harm the economy and will never go through congress because if this president has done one thing, he has shown us that the legislature is useful for one thing and one thing only and that is for constantly whining and carping and saying that "they won't do my bidding."
The legislature in the republic that we live in now is increasingly superfluous. It's unnecessary. It's extraneous. We have a consolidation of power in this White House that even ten years ago nobody could have dreamed of. We have a president who openly defies not just the will of congress but defies the Courts who say, "You know, what you're doing is flatly unconstitutional." Does the administration back down? Do they say, "Okay, I will accept this court of appeals decision"? No. They take it to the Supreme Court. They take it to the mat. Just as he had to take his signature legislation to the Supreme Court, which passed only through a level of sophistry and trickery that is unbelievable to anybody who can read plain-letter English. That's the legacy of this president. That's the legacy of this four years which now has finally added one more onto the pile that tells us everything we needed to know.
And here we see today a deadline passes. You won't hear much about it. Many of you are out shopping spending time with your families focused on other, and quite honestly for the time being, more important things. Today was the day that you were supposed to have signed up for Obamacare to have coverage starting on January 1st. I don't even know if that's true anymore. I don't know if it's true because I don't know what the law actually says because the law has become meaningless. The law has become a tool, something to be used by the whim of the chief executive. That's it. Doesn't hold him back.
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