It may feel like the media is always blaming conservatives – whether it is merited or not – whenever a mass shooting or violent tragedy occurs. But a compilation of tweets from attorney and Ace of Spades HQ co-blogger Gabriel Malor proves media bias is anything but a figment of your imagination.
“Gabriel Malor put together a list of the recent high-profile violence and what the media said. TheBlaze has this story up. It is really good,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “Remember, it's always right-wing, TEA Partying, anti-President, nut jobs, right? It's always somebody that just hates the President because he's black. Or they're TEA Party [members], and they want to destroy the government.”
Below are Malor's tweets on the topic:
Sept 2009: census-taker Bill Sparkman found hanged in rural Kentucky. Media speculated it was Tea Party. (He killed himself.)
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013
Feb 2010: Joe Stack flies small plane into an IRS building. Anti-tax TP rhetoric blamed. (He quoted from the Communist Manifesto.)
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013
Feb 2010: Amy Bishop shoots colleagues at University of Alabama faculty meeting. Gun-loving Tea Party suspected. (She was an Obama voter.)
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013
March 2010: John Patrick Bedell shot two Pentagon security. A right-wing extremist, media asked? (A registered Democrat and 9/11 Truther.)
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013
May 2010: massive Times Square car bomb found. Bloomberg speculates it's someone upset about ACA. (Actually, plain vanilla jihadist scum.)
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013
August 2010: Amid GZM debate, Muslim cabbie stabbed in NYC. Media speculates: a RWNJ? (Actually, a Lefty art student off his meds.)
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013
Sept 2010: James Lee takes hostages at Discovery Chan HQ. Media speculates: climate change denier? (An environmentalist who hates humans.)
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013
“Is anybody seeing why I'm saying: The president is in grave danger? Because he is surrounded by these kinds of people. He is surrounded by lefties, communists, socialists, radicals, ends justify the means, climate, crazies. That's who this president is around, and they are the ones telling the Secret Service ‘stand down,’” Glenn said. “Now, I'm not saying that anybody in the administration would never do anything like this or would ever be part of anything like that, but they are the ones saying stand down… You saw how close the President came to a literal murderer… during the Nelson Mandela thing. I'm sorry, but there is no good excuse. There's no good reason for that.”
Jan 2011: Jared Lee Loughner shoots up campaign event of Rep. Giffords. Media: TP rhetoric is to blame. (An apolitical conspiracy theorist.)
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013
July 2012: James Holmes shoots up theater in Aurora, CO. Brian Ross suggests he's a TPer on live TV. (Just another unmedicated nutter.)
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013
April 2013: Tsarnaev bros bomb Boston Marathon. Media suggests RWNJ commemorating "Patriot's Day." (Actually, just more jihadist scum.)
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013
Oct. 2013: Media retroactively blames right wing for JFK assassination. (Actually, LHO was a communist defector.)
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013
Dec 2013: student shoots up CO high school w/ shotgun. Denver Post scrubs his self-described "socialist" beliefs. (We're on to you, media.)
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013
“Just doesn't fit their narrative,” Pat observed. “They must have their TEA Party lunatic, so that they can shut us up for good.”
As Glenn explained, history is being re-written and will continue to be re-written. And it is up to us to offer our children and grandchildren the truth.
“This will be lost to history. This is why this story is really, really important. This story is one of those things, quite honestly, that you print and you save. This is one of those things that you make sure that your children learn about,” Glenn said. “You know, there's an important history book that needs to be written right now, and it is today's history because it's all being rewritten in real time. And it's important that you save it.”
“You write it in your journal… because your journals will be more important for your kids than any history book because you're seeing it happen right now,” he continued. “And who's writing the history books? The universities are writing the history books right now. The professors at these universities, all leftists extraordinaire, they are the ones writing the current history books. Do you think they are going to be more kind or less kind to people like you than the media is? I suggest the media is your best buddy in comparison.”