Miss Part 1 of Believe Again? Watch it ON DEMAND. Make sure to tune in for Part II, Wednesday at 8pm ET only on TheBlaze!
On radio this morning, Glenn shared several stories that seem to suggest we as a culture have eliminated the message and meaning of Christ’s birth from Christmas. But Glenn also offered a clip from last night’s premiere of Believe Again that helps re-focus the true meaning of the season and what we really celebrate on Christmas day.
“I put a clip of last night's show [Believe Again] from the part of the song O Holy Night,” Glenn said. “This was done by this artist out of Arizona. She is remarkable. She has the most beautiful voice… Clyde [Bawden is] playing the piano.”
When Glenn first heard Dianne Tubbs sing the song, he knew the focus had to remain on her voice and the emotional quality she brought to the song.
“When I first heard it, I said, ‘Produce this with just ambient sound,’” Glenn explained. “’Produce this just with the sounds of nighttime, just crickets, sheep.’”
Little did Glenn know, the album’s producer felt the same way.
“I didn't know it until last night's episode that the guy who was producing [the record] said, ‘This has transported me. Every time I've ever heard that song, it was not about the night. It was about some other night, but it was not about the night. That time, that song is truly about the night,’” Glenn said. “So I made this clip available because… it's so beautiful. And they talk about it again as being – it’s this night.”
Glenn asked the audience to share the video with as many people as possible. But first, he asked people to reflect on what the song is truly about.
“Here's what I want you to do. I want you to take this song, and I want you to Facebook it, tweet it, send it to everybody in your mail list. Send it. But before you do… put your testimony… Whatever it is in your own words… And send it to everyone you know. That's how you fight back. That's the power of one. One person at a time, and you encourage them to do the same. Share the real meaning of Christmas. Don't be bogged down in the negative. Find the power of the one.”
Watch Dianne’s version of O Holy Night below:
Miss Part 1 of Believe Again? Watch it ON DEMAND. Make sure to tune in for Part II, Wednesday at 8pm ET only on TheBlaze!