On yesterday’s radio program, Glenn encouraged Virginia voters to do their homework and know who they are voting for in the contentious gubernatorial race. A three-way race is underway between the President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden backed Democrat, Terry McAuliffe, the TEA Party supported Republican, Ken Cuccinelli, and the candidate running on the libertarian line, Robert Sarvis.
Sarvis has amassed so much support and fractured the Republican, conservative, libertarian voting block so greatly, McAuliffe may very well come out on top in today’s election. While Glenn was certainly not opposed to third-party candidates, he warned his listeners in Virginia to understand who they were voting for before heading to the ballot boxes.
Glenn was primarily referring to Sarvis and some of the bizarre stances he has taken on issues in the past. From raising taxes to rejecting the Austrian-type economics, Sarvis does not sound like your proto-typical libertarian. And, as it turns out, it was a major Democratic Party benefactor and Obama campaign bundler, Joe Liemandt, who helped pay for professional petition circulators responsible for getting Sarvis on the ballot.
“Yesterday on this program we told you, look at who this guy is,” Glenn said. “He's not a libertarian. This guy believes in more Medicaid or Medicare. He believes in taxes for miles driven. This guy's not a libertarian. And Meredith Jessup from TheBlaze tracked it down.”
Campaign finance records show the Libertarian Booster PAC has made the largest independent contribution to Sarvis’ campaign, helping to pay for professional petition circulators who collected signatures necessary to get Sarvis’ name on Tuesday’s statewide ballot.
Austin, Texas, software billionaire Joe Liemandt is the Libertarian Booster PAC’s major benefactor. He’s also a top bundler for President Barack Obama. This revelation comes as Virginia voters head to the polls Tuesday in an election where some observers say the third-party gubernatorial candidate could be a spoiler for Republican Ken Cuccinelli.
According to Virginia election filings posted by the Virginia Public Access Project, Liemandt contributed $150,000 of the Texas-based Libertarian Booster PAC’s $229,000 revenue. The Libertarian Booster PAC reported providing $11,454 to pay for signature collection, yard signs and campaign materials for Sarvis and another $4,690 for four Libertarian candidates running for the Virginia state legislature.
“Be very careful. Be very, very careful. We told you on yesterday's program, you spend two minutes looking at the libertarian in the race and you see this guy's not a libertarian… What libertarian is for the things this guy is for? He's not a libertarian. He's a shill,” Glenn said. “It is not too late to get the message out. Voting is going on today and you have to know the truth, but it's incumbent on you to get this word out to everyone you know in Virginia. Anybody that you think might be voting today.”
“Look at what this Administration has done yet again. You want to talk about stealing elections. These guys can't win in a fair fight. They cannot win in a fair fight. They only play dirty. They only lie. They only cheat. They only steal. They cannot win in a fair fight, and they know it. And so they use everything that they possibly can to be able to steal elections, and they are doing it now. That's what this is. Make no mistake… You may think that's fair. I don't,” he concluded. “Now it is incumbent upon you, the citizen, to be able to know right from wrong… The citizens have got to trust their gut and start depending on their gut a little bit more. Start questioning things. Stop looking at labels.”
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