This week alone, Glenn has shared two disturbing cases of the Bill of Rights literally being re-written in our children’s textbooks. An AP U.S. history textbook used in Denton, Texas defined the Second Amendment as “The people have the right to keep and bear arms in a state militia.” Meanwhile, students in Simpsonville, South Carolina were using a textbook that combined the Second and Third Amendments into one singular sentence: “The Second and Third Amendments — grant citizens the right to bear arms as members of a militia of citizen-soldiers and prevent the government from housing troops in private homes in peacetime.”
Cases like those, combined with ongoing concerns about the new Common Core standards, have lead many to question the state of education in America. Glenn has been vocal about his support and experience with homeschooling, and now former Senator Ron Paul has been speaking out about the benefits of homeschool.
“Ron Paul has a new mission in life. And amen, amen, amen,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “It is to get 20 or 25 percent of the population to be homeschooled. And you would not believe the response of the people on MSNBC in this interview. Listen to this interview with Ron Paul.”
RON PAUL: I want people to be able to home school their children. Not everybody is, this is designed to pick out the leaders who want to, and maybe 20 percent might be interested in doing this. But they would at least see, these would be leaders who then would be talking about running for Congress and understand why the Federal Reserve is a problem today. We have been conditioned, in all our schools, that it's good to have a very, very robust foreign policy, to be involved in all these countries, we've been taught the Federal Reserve is sacred except for the last few years people are questioning the Federal Reserve. We've been taught deficits are good. Everyone has been taught one of our greatest presidents was Woodrow Wilson, but if you're liberal or conservative, if you look at Woodrow Wilson, he was, he violently abused our civil liberties. He was the one that told us we had to march around the world. He was the one that changed our foreign policy. And I'd like to show that some of our presidents, the only great president have been warmongers and maybe people who argued for negotiations might be a better president. So it will be a different approach. But it will be up front. It will be the freedom philosophy. It will be based on individual freedom and not a collectivist approach.
“Can you imagine the perplexing expressions on the faces of the people at MSMBC right now,” Pat asked.
There are definitely some issues with Paul’s reasoning when it comes to the curriculum he proposes, but Glenn sees an even greater problem.
“It's not a chance this is going to happen. Only because once this kind of thinking starts to take real root, and it already is, the federal government has got to shut homeschoolers down,” Glenn explained. “They have to because you will have too many free thinkers out there.”
“Yeah, there's other problems with this though, too, Glenn,” Pat said. “Obviously. You're ignoring them.”
“I know,” Glenn said. “MSNBC is about to get to them. Thank goodness they're there.
COMMENTATOR: 20 percent of children being homeschooled that's going to mean a vast drop in the number of women in the work force because it's largely women who are doing the homeschooling. A lot of women can't afford to give up their jobs. A lot of families can't afford that and do we actually wants to be encouraging women not to take part of the work force because we know how valuable that diversity is. I'm just, I'm concerned about advocating homeschooling on this level when women are having such a hard time already, staying in the work force.
RON PAUL: Of course those are the problems created by what I'm trying to correct because they have to be in the work force and they have to work and not take care of kids because of the system that we have, because it's survival for them. So you are, you're absolutely right, there isn't a choice.
“Stop for a second,” Glenn said. “Only MSNBC could come up with something this insane. So excuse me. We would be hurting women because we would be encouraging them to stay home with their kids? Because of the diversity in the work place, that's more important than having mom at home, teaching her own children.?
“Oh, diversity in the workplace is way more important than that,” Pat quipped. “Ron's wrong about that – they're not absolutely right. Like Stu said, there's many women already – more than 20 percent already at home and could do this. Do they want to? I don't know. I don't know. That's up to them.
“You have to want to do it,” Glenn reiterated.
“You really do. Not everybody is equipped to do that and I get that fully,” Pat concluded. “But it would be a good thing for your kids and for America. I mean, whether it's the man or the woman, one parent in the home, bringing up the kids, would be a good thing. Hey, I don't know how we've lost sight of that.”