Just last week, Glenn invited a number of guests into the studio to expose the indoctrination taking place in Texas schools under the name of CSCOPE. Tonight he turned his attention to Common Core, a program infiltrating schools across the United States. As Glenn quickly found out during the show, there was too much information to limit it all to one show. So tonight, Glenn brought guests on the forefront of the fight against Common Core who are speaking out because they have seen the impact of the program on education.
Why is Common Core so devastating for education? It’s dumbing down schools across the country.
It’s teaching math in an untested new way with no evidence that it works or has any hope of working. Math experts are even saying it marks the end of improvement in education.
It de-emphasizes literary works like Huckleberry Finn in favor of informational texts including song lyrics and government documents.
And, of course, historical documents like the Gettysburg Address are going to be taught without any kind of context.
“This is just the beginning,” Glenn said, “And it has to be stopped.”
Forty-five states, the District of Columbia, four U.S. territories, and the Department of Defense Education Activity have all built their curriculum from this single program.
Glenn said that people should also be wary of Common Core based on the people who are putting it together. For example Linda-Darling Hammond was endorsed by domestic terrorist Bill Ayers for Secretary of Education and served as an advisor to the Obama campaign.
“Progressives have jammed this through in the dead of night,” Glenn said. “Beside being dumber, our kids are going to be indoctrinated with extreme leftist ideology.”
“We will not save our country unless we save it first from this attack.”
To expose the issues brought about by Common Core, Glenn interviewed teachers and educators fighting back against the program:
Additional Resources:
Michelle Malkin's "Rotten to the Core" analysis of Common Core