The left love’s to accuse Glenn of linking disconnected instances of leftist maneuvering together to making ‘crazy conspiracy theories’ to persuade America against this administration. They used to criticize him for the people he would put up on his blackboard, completely disregarding the facts that got them there, of course.
Well, “if you can’t beat ‘em, join em,” the saying goes. It looks like one of Glenn’s biggest critics (and frequent guest of the blackboard) has found a blackboard of their own:
In typical fashion, they completely forgot to include facts in the blackboard conspiracy theories featured in their latest anti-Romney political ad.
This morning on radio, Glenn played the video that thinks could stop Mitt Romney from being elected this morning. Key word being “thinks,” because, most likely, this video is going to have you laughing for the next ten minutes.
“ is attacking Mitt Romney and the Republicans using conspiracy theories and a blackboard. This is the greatest thing ever,” Glenn said this morning
After “criticizing” Romney for saying “corporations are people” – something Stu pointed out is part of the legal definition of the term – “strapping the family dog to the roof of a car,” and “parking his money in the Cayman Islands,” has the audacity to ask this question:
“I mean, did anyone even vet this guy?”
Incredible. Glenn quickly points out who the mentor of the current occupant of the White House is and how thick that mentor’s FBI file is.
“He is hanging out with known communists and terrorists. He puts a Communist in the White House, a Communist revolutionary who called for the overthrow of the United States government,” Glenn said.
But Mitt Romney puts his family dog in a dog-crate on their car, he hasn’t been properly vetted.
“I mean, how can you bring up the dog thing at this point?” Stu asked. “That is a lost argument for you guys. I don’t know if you know that. Your candidate was eating dogs.”
After the accusations,’s conspiracy theories begin. Yes, the “three prong GOP plan to get Mitt Romney into the White House.”
“This is great. This is when they're showing the chalkboard,” Glenn noted. “This is when they're showing the chalkboard behind them, with all of the things exactly the way Jon Stewart would portray it, they're putting it behind them and going, ‘Look, here it is. Here it is. Here are all the connections’."
What is this “three prong plan” laid out in the ad?
1. Sabotage the economy and blame it on Obama2. Use rich peoples’ money to spread lies about Obama
3. Suppress minority voters using Voter ID laws
How does the evil GOP plan on accomplishing their master plan? According to by “doing things like starving states of funding which force massive layoffs and then criticizing Obama for those job losses.”
“Can you imagine criticizing a president who has only been in office for four years?” Pat jokes.
The ad goes on to blame the GOP for damaging the United States credit rating due to the “debt ceiling debacle,” and demonize Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for emphasizing the importance of Barack Obama being a one term president.
Writers note: Someone may want to inform that the Democrats currently hold the majority in the Senate before they make any more political ads, as this one repeatedly refers to Mitch McConnell as the Majority Leader - that would be Harry Reid.
“Not jobs, not an economic recovery. It's all about defeating Obama,” claims. “And the most frightening part about this strategy is that it's working. The latest polls indicate more Americans actually blame Obama for the struggling economy – over Wall Street, congress, or even George W. Bush.”
Is it really that frightening or hard to believe that America would blame the man who has been the leader of the country the last four years for its current problems?
Of course not.
“America is just done with it,” Glenn said. We're done with people telling us ‘we didn’t build that.’ I'm sorry, but we don't buy the lies anymore.”