Today’s Obama fact/lie of the day comes straight from the President himself.
President Obama came out yesterday and, with a straight face, praised his administration and Democrats for being fiscally responsible, while accusing Republicans of being out-of-control spenders.
On radio this morning, Glenn played portions of a speech the President gave yesterday in Newton, Iowa:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Now, we all know how difficult these past few years have been for the country. Iowa has actually done a little better than some other states, but it's still been tough. And after the worst recession of our lifetimes, it's going to take some time for the economy to fully recover -- more time than a lot of us would like. And we're still facing some headwinds, like the situation in Europe right now, which is having an impact on our economy.
But while there's certain economic developments we can't control, there are a bunch of things that we can control. There are plenty of steps that we can take right now – steps that we must take right no – to speed up this recovery and to create jobs, and to restore some of the financial security that a lot of families have lost. It's within our control to do all of that right now. But here's the thing – (applause.) It's true, we can make that difference.
The challenge we've got is that too many folks aren't on the same page. We've got too many of my dear Republican friends in Congress that have been standing in the way of some steps that we could take that would make a difference at the moment. Either they say they don't want to do anything at all, or they don't want to do it before the election, or they want to double down on some of the policies that didn’t work and helped to get us into this mess in the first place.
“Okay, stop for a second,” Glenn interjected.
“I just want to point out that his budget has failed every time with not a single Democrat vote. Not a single Democratic vote,” he continued. “The last time that it went through – the Democrats are the ones standing in the way of his budget and his budgetary ideas. That’s why we don’t have a budget. We haven’t had one for three years. I’m sorry, it was the Democrats. The Republicans couldn’t even stop any of the legislation up until two years ago – couldn’t stop any of it.”
Glenn also played a clip from a speech the President gave on Wednesday at a Colorado fundraiser:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: I don't know how they’ve [Republicans] been bamboozling folks into thinking that they are the responsible, fiscally disciplined party. They run up these wild debts and then when we take over we have to clean it up. And then they point and say, ‘Look how irresponsible they [Democrats] are.’ Look at facts, look at the numbers.
“Stop, stop. I want you to play it again. I want you to play it again,” Glenn responded. “I want you to hear the realization of the people who are in the audience when they say, ‘He runs up this wild debt.’ You can hear the room feel like, ‘Oh, crap. Not really, we... everybody knows. Everybody knows. It's been $5 trillion. Everybody knows.’”
“That’s amazing,” Pat responded. “There is no response to that – except nervous laughter.”
One of the main problems with the President and this administration is that they refuse to take responsibility for their actions, regardless of what the facts say. Time and time again, his actions have demonstrated that he will not work with those who disagree with him.
“He doesn't like disagreement,” Glenn said. “That's the problem. You go his way or you hit the highway. The president is not – when he says, ‘My good dear friends across the aisle,’ he doesn't mean a word of that. He's identified them as an enemy.”
When it comes to enemies in this country, it’s probably safe to say those undisciplined and irresponsible Republicans should be the least of the President’s worries.
“Mr. President, I believe the only one that is an enemy to the Constitution and to the capitalist system are those who are trying to fundamentally transform the capitalist system and our Constitution,” Glenn said.
“You, sir, have gotten into bed with people who have called for radical revolution, who have called for an end of the Constitution,” he continued. “There's only one enemy here, sir, and it's not the Democrats, it's not the Republicans. It's Marxists who want to end the Constitution and transform America into something it never was. Now, if you happen to fall into that category, well, then maybe that's a conversation we should have. I'm certainly not putting you in that category. Your actions put you in that category.”
The United States is headed toward disaster, and since the government has shown no real leadership, it will be up to the people of this country to stand up and work together. Individual responsibility and a commitment to the ideals this country stands for will be the key to getting America back on track.
“I'm telling you if a president will start saying, if leaders will start stepping to the plate, if states will start making sure that their businesses are protected, money and business will come flocking to America because there is no place stable. There's no place stable,” Glenn said.
“We must – we must build that beachhead and be stable, and even if it's one business or one community or one state, that's what has to be done. And people from all over the world, the dreamers, the entrepreneurs, the sane people, the ones who aren't saying, ‘Well, you know, gee, ATMs really have hurt our economy.’ What! Those people, you can live – you can live wherever you want. You got the whole world to pick from. You have the whole world to pick from.”
“You want to do business,” Glenn asked. “Good. Let's start working together. Because it ain't going to be fixed in Washington, gang.”