One of the most shocking scenes in Rumors of War 3: Target U.S. is an exchange between U.S. Representative Louie Gohmert and The Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano. In the clip, Napolitano is testifying in front of Congress about Mohamed Elibiary, a man affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, being granted security clearance and access to sensitive documents. Glenn asked Gohmert to come onto the show to discuss the exchange.
In the film, the narrator explains, "In 2002 Mohamed Elibiary founded the Freedom and Justice Foundation in Plano, Texas. Freedom and Justice is the political party of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. He was appointed a member of the Homeland Security advisory council which meant Elibiary had access to security documents. In October of 2011, it was reported he took sensitive reports from the Texas Department of Public Safety."
Watch the clip below:
During a hearing with Napolitano, Gohmert asked her if she was aware of what happened. She said no.
"I'm telling you it happened. Do we need to appoint somebody or will you have that investigated yourself and, if so, by whom?" Gohmert pressed.
"Well, since I don't know the facts, I'll have to look into the facts," Naplitano said.
As Gohmert tried to continue to pressure her for answers he was cut off.
Glenn welcomed Gohmert to the program to talk about the hearing.
Watch the interview from radio at the top of the page.