Update: Glenn also discussed the story on GBTV, you can watch the segment below:
Original Story below:
If Al Qaeda or some other terrorist organization came out and openly called for war against the United States of America, do you think the media would pay attention?
That’s the question Glenn asked this morning after listening to the latest video released by Anonymous, the international group who allegedly hacked the CIA, Syrian government email accounts, Consumer.gov, and a U.S. security company whose tear gas had been used against the Egyptian demonstrators, just to name a few.
“We're not talking about a group that doesn't have any power,” Glenn said. “We're talking about a group that does have power, and has demonstrated it.”
Here’s the latest message from Anonymous:
Here is the transcript of the Anonymous message:
We are not calling upon the collective to deface or use a distributed denial of service attack on a United States government agency website or affiliate. We are not calling upon the people to occupy a city or protest in front of a local building. This has not brought on us any legislative change or alternate law. It has only brought us bloodshed and false criticism. For the last 12 years, voting was useless. Corporations and lobbyists are the true leaders of this country and are the ones with the power to control our lives. To rebuild our government, we must first destroy it.
Our time for democracy is here.
Our time for real change is here.
This is America's time, to have its own revolution.
Therefore, Anonymous has decided to openly declare war on the United States government. This is a call to arms. We call upon the Citizens of the United States to stand beside us in overthrowing this corrupted body and call upon a new era. Our allegiance is to the American people, because they are us, and we are them.
Operation V, engaged.
We are Anonymous.
We are Americans.
We never Forgive.
We never Forget.
To the United States government, it's too late to expect us.
This was released on February 26th, two days ago, yet no one in the media or our government is talking about this—not to the American people, anyway.
“Don’t dismiss these people,” Glenn warned. “Remember, these people have attacked the websites of the CIA. I believe they’ve attacked the NSA. They have attacked Stratfor, and dumped all of the documents.” Glenn continued, “I don’t know who they are, but they are not fools. They are well financed. They are well thought out. And, they are very capable.”
Glenn, who obviously runs an internet business and is very brave in the topics he covers on GBTV, does not dismiss Anonymous. Glenn does not think that everyone in Anonymous has the same intentions. Much like we saw in many of the uprisings in the Arab Spring, he believes there is a split in this organization.
“I believe there are probably those people that are inside Anonymous that are good and decent …and right,” Glenn says, giving the example of the Stop Online Piracy Act, and the legislation that labeled America a battlefield where the government would have the ability to scoop American citizens up and hold them without trial. “These things are wrong,” Glenn said. Adding, “These things are a grave danger to the freedom of mankind and to this country; grave, grave danger. And this technology—we’re not dealing with the revolution of 1776, we’re not even dealing with 1938—the technology that this government has …they can scoop groups of people up in a heartbeat. There is no hiding from this government.”
So, like Glenn said, there are things that Anonymous says that we can agree with, and we should build off of those things, but destruction of the government is not the answer. We are a country of laws, not of men—there has to be some government.
While Glenn may agree with Anonymous on many topics, but method is where there is a clear divide. Glenn compared it to the difference between Thomas Paine and George Washington.
“Both Patriots—one was right, one was wrong—but both Patriots,” Glenn said.
Just like there are probably people inside Anonymous that are good, there are likely those on the far left. “I also believe there are people inside Anonymous that are gravely misguided and are on the wrong side of not just the tactic, but also wish to destroy, because they are on the far left,” Glenn said. Adding, “I would not be surprised if some of this financing and some of this power unbeknownst to many of the people in Anonymous is coming from the left, and coming from George Soros.”
Pat brought up that this is similar to what happened in the 1960’s, when the far left approached John Lenon and The Beatles wanting to know where they stood. Their response was the song, “Revolution:”
“If you're talking about Chairman Mao you're not going to make it with anyone anyhow. If you're talking about overthrowing the constitution, we need to change your head.”
“This is the same kind of thing. There are certain things that need to be change. There are definitely problems with the Obama Administration,” Pat said.
Glenn agreed, saying, “The last twelve years it has been almost useless voting. You look, and you’re seeing the same things from both sides, just a different speed, but you’re seeing the same thing. So they’re right on that one.”
The problems are clear if you are not for a massive government. The challenges really lie within the solutions to the problems. Destruction is easy. There is no challenge in tearing something down. These systems are going to collapse on their own weight. The banks, the big government systems, the debt and the corruption will destroy them without anyone pushing them over the edge. One of the problems with collapse and destruction without solutions is that you won’t know what you are collapsing into. There has to be a foundation to build off of, and a force for good. Otherwise, who do you root for?
Glenn compared this to the time he spent on the streets of Greece a couple of weekends ago. “One of the things I learned about on the ground in Greece is that they can no longer tell the difference. They don't know who to root for. There's no good standing up. There is no good. They don't know. There are the people that are using the fire bombs out on the streets, and then there are the people that are in the banks. And I asked one of the guys, ‘so which is worse?’ The answer was ‘I don't know. They're both criminals.’ But, in their heart they stand with the people on the street even though they disagree with their tactics they stand with the people on the street, because they say that the government is corrupt, and the banks are corrupt. You don't change it this way. You’ve got to go in and change it.” Glenn explained.
Glenn went on the explain that we all share the fears that anonymous has, and some of the fears the Occupy Wall Street people have, and that Libertarians have. “But, please read history. Please look at what’s happening over in the Middle East,” Glenn said.
Anonymous is going after many of the people that are going to collapse under their own corruption, but where are the attacks on the people who are getting rich off of the collapse, and helping to cause the collapse? “Where are the attacks on people like Soros? Where is the information on the people who are setting up what you will collapse, what hands it will fall into? Are you part of that?” Glenn asked.
That is the big question. Is Anonymous part of that? Have they looked down the road far enough to see whose hands they are going to fall into? Instead of destroying what is already in the process of self-destruction, wouldn’t it be better to strengthen the American people? Glenn pointed out that it is important to point out the corruption, but then what?
Anonymous has been a voice of anger and revenge, ending their videos with “We will not forgive. We will not forget,” but like Glenn said, “you say you are against bloodshed.”
“We must forgive. We must never forget,” Glenn explains. “We must—we’re commanded to forgive. We’re not commanded to forget.”
Glenn made a call out to the media to step up and realize what they are helping to build in their silence. “I beg the people in the media to wake up. I beg the people in the media to give your children and your grandchildren a reason to be proud of you. The times are growing darker and the time is growing short. I am begging the people in the media to wake up and see what you're against. To see what you are helping build in the government through your silence,” Glenn said.
“I believe this government only needs one more election. They only need the press one more time. Look at how they are beating you across the head now. Do you think that's going to get better?” Glenn asked.
Unless Americans take a stand with peace and love in their hearts we won’t be able to win the battle for man’s freedom. But, that’s the key.
“Pray for peace,” Glenn said. “Fill your heart with love, and do not be indifferent on things. Ask yourself ‘does it matter?’ The answer should always be 'yes.' When to stand? Now, now is the time to stand.”