Glenn started off the radio show this morning by playing audio from the one man who impressed him in the debate last night – former Senator Rick Santorum.
Glenn said that he was impressed by Santorum mainly for the tough questions he asked and answered during the debate.
“Governor Romney's plan in Massachusetts was the basis for ObamaCare,” Santorum said. “Speaker Gingrich, for 20 years, up until last year, supported individual mandate, which is at the core of ObamaCare.”
Santorum continued, “If you look at cap and trade, Governor Romney was very proud to say that he was the first state in the country as governor to sign a cap on CO2 emissions, the first state in the country to put a cap believing in the global warming and criticized Republicans for not believing in it. As did, by the way, Speaker Gingrich, who was for a cap and trade program with incentives - business incentive - but was for the rubric of cap and trade.”
“You go down and you look at the Wall Street bailouts. I said before here's one where you have folks who preach conservatism, private sector, and when push came to shove, they got pushed. They didn't stand tall for the conservative principles that they argued that they were for, and as a result we ended up with this bailout that has injected government into business like it had never been done before. They rejected conservatism when it was hard to stand,” he said.
“There is no difference between President Obama and these two gentlemen. And that's why this election here in Florida is so critical that we have someone that actually can create a contrast between the president and the conservative point of view.”
Pretty fantastic answer, right? Glenn thought so too.
“Any of these guys are going to be asked to stand and become Abraham Lincoln. They are going to be asked to stand. Will they be able to be Abraham Lincoln? Will they be able to do the hard things and give the power back?” Glenn asked of the candidates.