Normally this type of harsh characterization is completely over the line and uncalled for in the public discourse. But in the case of Debbie Wasserman Schultz it's completely justified and extremely accurate. She has no problem lying about crystal clear truths in order to spin for the DNC. Among her classics just in the past few days: Refusing to acknowledge the unemployment rate is higher today than it was when Obama took office; blaming Tea Party for AZ shooting, and calling Romney's NH blowout victory a sign that he's a 'wounded candidate' going forward. Romney's response was just epic - plus Pat tirade on quite a tirade.
"I think Mitt Romney was at 39%. It's essentially his home state. He's got a family home here. He was governor of the state next door. So to not crack 40% in a primary that you should have droves of Republicans coming to the polls to vote for you, that's a problem. But he's here as ‑‑ he came out of this primary now as a wounded candidate," she said.
"You know, the president unopposed only got 80% last night. So, you know, I feel sorry for Debbie Wasserman Schultz. She's got to stand up for the president's record," Romney joked in response to her comments.
"That is a fantastic answer," Pat said.
While introducing the audio, Pat referred to Wasserman-Shultz as a "vile, disgusting skank."
"This is why Mitt is the presidential candidate and I'm not. I just described Debbie Wasserman Schultz as a horrible, heinous, hideous, lying skank," Pat joked.
"Mitt Romney on the other hand, the presidential candidate, says he feels sorry for her."
"That's much better. I have to say, Pat, not to be critical of you," Stu joked.